A genuine attempt at sharing my experiments & thoughts as a data scientist

By Kiranmayi Vadlamudi

My blog has over the past few years taken shape on many platforms (Wordpress, Sub stack, LinkedIn, my personal website on WIX) and tapered off into nothingness pretty consistently. I think there were several reasons for this one of them was partly my lack off consistency or discipline or whatever you may prefer to call it, the other one was imposter syndrome and thoughts like “Is this stuff even worth writing” or “Is what am doing even worth it” and then the last part was how hard it was to regularly write on these platforms not because it is hard to write but because they make it so painful to get something up and running - like to embed a piece of code, a dynamic visualisation, some creative piece of code or learning but nasty bit for the platform.

Anyway I decided to fix all these three parts - the first one well time will have tell how I stick to my ‘discipline’, the second one was a life learning that took me some years - no one or at least many don’t know what the hell they are doing and if its worth it and everyone is just trying figure things out as they go and for the third part I am hoping moving to Notion would reduce the barrier of resistance I feel to writing regularly but in all honesty I do except to face some glitches even here. The other reason I thought this might work - is that I use Notion regularly as planning, note making, introspecting, listing application and have a section for almost all aspects of my life personal or work related. It’s pretty much the only consistent thing I have been maintaining for myself since 2018.

Listed below are my entries filtered by year and I have tried to bring them over from other platforms for consistency -

Blog List

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